A MUM has revealed the horrific, bug-ridden accommodation where she lives with her kids after their landlord kicked them out.
Sarah and her partner Mohammed have three young kids and are sleeping on the floor of a cramped hotel room infested with bugs.
They were moved into the hotel by Birmingham City Council last week.
The family-of-five now has to hang towels on the windows as makeshift curtains, wash dirty dishes in the bath and make do with pillows as a mattress in their toddler’s travel cot.
A bunk bed is crammed into the room alongside a bed with exposed broken slats and a stained mattress on the floor, Birmingham Live reports.
And Sarah claims that there are nails protruding from the broken bed – as well as bed bugs who “bite the children.

The couple, whose kids are aged one, seven and 12, were made homeless when the landlord of their private rented home told them he needed the property back.
The authority has since apologised for the “distress” and vowed to look at other options to accommodate the family.
Sharing video from inside the hotel, the mum said: “It’s totally wrong. I can’t even breathe in here.
“Since last week I am homeless with my three kids and partner.
“Last week we had our landlord come into the private rented house as the two month notice had expired, he asked us for the keys.
“The council put us into a hotel.
“The first day when we came here the bed was broken, there were no curtains and there was no lighting in the room.
“There was only one double bed for the five of us.”
Sarah initially had to send the kids to Walsall to live with extended family while arrangements for more beds were made.
A cot and bunk bed were then crammed inside, leaving the family with hardly any space to move around.
Sarah said that there was no mattress in the cot and she had to put three pillows down for her youngest child.
She claimed her kids are going to school itchy due to the bed bug bites and the double bed has “fallen apart and has nails hanging off it”.
The other children have been struggling to sleep alongside the one-year-old who often wakes up.
With no cooking facilities either, the family have been surviving off sandwiches, cereal, noodles and meals in the microwave.
A Birmingham City Council spokesman said they had replaced the bed and a pest control officer had visited.
A council statement read: “We are sorry for the distress caused to this family.
“We have replaced the bed and a pest control officer has carried out an inspection of the room.

“The room has been treated and we will continue to monitor it so standards are maintained.
“We are working with the tenant to address the other issues and looking at options for accommodating her family.”