There are three different ways of application of the phrase ‘sail boat bedding.’ The first definition refers to the method of protection of the hardware present on the sail boat. A bedding compound is actually a absorbent and flexible sealant that can withstand stresses that are caused by shock, swelling, shrinkage, vibrations and is resistant to salt and fresh water. In other words, it is a marine adhesive that every sail boat requires for continued performance.
Another aspect in which sail boat bedding is referred to is in a very popular design used in children’s room. Very often, bedroom walls are adorned with themes that are also reflected in the bedroom lamps and bedding. The coverlets, covers, pillows and comforters may all be decorated with sail boats sailing over waves. Some bedrooms even specify the kind of boat in the decoration. Sometimes Mayflowers sail silently across the seas, or Viking ships roar across the ocean to lands unknown. Such decorations delight children irrespective of whether they know sailing or not.
The last and most obvious meaning to sail boat bedding is what the sailor, his crew, his commander and family will sleep on when they are on an overnight voyage aboard a sail boat. Simply put, it means what they people on the boat will sleep on. Long ago, and even now when it comes to some tall ships, the sailors and crew used to sleep on rocking hammocks and the captain had a berth to himself. Those who slept on hammocks found themselves lucky enough if they found anything to cover themselves with while the captain always had a sheet or a coverlet. A person’s rank was reflected in sail boat bedding.
The modern early sail boats had somewhat better sail boat beddings. The bunks had foam pads attached to them. However, they were still stiff, not very comfortable and did not drown out the nautical noises. The state of boating, the technology and the workmanship of a designer prevalent at that time is reflected through the rigidity of the cushions.
Things are drastically different today. Of course, there are still many amends to be made when it comes to the comfort aspect, but many improvements have been introduced in sail boats, especially the cruising and chartered ships. Now, boat cabins are more spacious and the beds facilitate a good night’s sleep for the sailor. Nowadays, sail boat bedding consists of mattresses that have an innerspring. According to many sailors, this is a great improvement when compared to the thick and not so thick pads. Today, many marine shops have an entire line of sleeping sets that can help the sail boat department of bedding. As bunk beds are available in many different shapes and sizes, the new coverlets and sheets have drawstrings. In this way, the person can attach the sheets snugly to the bed. They even have barrel locks at each of the corner to prevent sliding.